quarta-feira, 24 de abril de 2024

Parágrafo 255


They were asked: “Have ye forsaken the Qur’án?” “In our House”, he replied, “did the All-Merciful reveal it. We are the breezes of the All-Glorious amidst His creation. We are the streams that have branched out from the Most Great Ocean, through which God hath revived the earth, and through which He shall revive it again after it hath died. Through us His signs have been diffused, His proofs revealed, and His tokens disclosed. With us is the knowledge of His hidden meanings and His untold mysteries.”

Perguntaram-lhes: “Haveis esquecido o Alcorão?” “Foi na nossa Casa”, respondeu ele, “que o Todo-Misericordioso o revelou. Somos as brisas do Todo-Glorioso entre a Sua criação.  Somos os regatos que surgiram do Mais Grandioso Oceano, com os quais Deus revivifica a terra, e com os quais Ele revivificará novamente depois de ter morrido. Através de nós os Seus sinais são difundidos, as Suas provas reveladas, e os Seus símbolos são divulgados. Connosco está o conhecimento dos Seus significados ocultos e dos Seus mistérios não revelados.”

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