domingo, 21 de abril de 2024

Parágrafo 254


“Have ye forbidden”, they were asked, “that which God hath made lawful, or allowed that which He hath forbidden?” “We were the first to follow the divine commandments”, he answered. “We are the root and origin of His Cause, the beginning of all good and its end. We are the sign of the Ancient of Days and the source of His remembrance amongst the nations.”

“Haveis proibido”, perguntaram-lhes, “aquilo que Deus tornou lícito, e permitido aquilo que Ele proibiu?” “Fomos os primeiros a seguir os mandamentos divinos”, respondeu ele. “Somos a raiz e a origem da Sua Causa, o princípio de todo o bem e o seu fim. Somos o sinal do Ancião dos Dias e a fonte da Sua lembrança entre as nações.”

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